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Pour Me Some Whine/Wine

A Toast to the Mama Sisterhood!

Pour Me Some Whine/Wine will be the first wine pairing book for moms. Each of the 80 stories has a “reason” for moms to pour that glass tonight. The stories are arranged by 6 emotions in motherhood, and each story also has a witty wine pairing that contains a metaphor or something quirky to tie into the story itself. It is an uplifting book that cheerleads and supports moms.


Pour Me Some Whine Wine
By: Leah Speer and Katrina (Trina) Epp
Parenting & Family
November 10, 2015
English / 172 Pages / Hardcover / 6 x 9
ISBN-13: 978-09904396-3-9
Price: $21.99 / E-Book Available            


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Changing Lives Press

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